Did you know that something as simple and commonplace as laundry detergent can be extremely harmful to the environment and to your personal health? Traditional laundry detergents are loaded with chemicals that, more often than not, end up in our waterways and harm marine life. And don’t forget the questionable dyes and synthetic fragrances that, when mixed together, create a cocktail of toxins for our bodies. 

Thankfully, there’s a healthier, eco-friendly alternative: sustainable laundry detergent.

The use of sustainable laundry detergent vs traditional laundry detergent is becoming more and more common with the rise of environmental awareness and the resulting health issues in recent years. Keep reading to learn all about the benefits of sustainable laundry detergent!

What Makes Laundry Detergent Sustainable? 

When you use a sustainable laundry detergent, you’re keeping toxic chemicals, dyes, synthetic fragrances or microplastics away from your home. These detergents are made from natural, biodegradable ingredients and are designed with your health and the Earth in mind.

Many eco-friendly detergents are made from renewable sources and are packaged in easily-recyclable materials, which helps to reduce both pollution and waste.

We like to think of it as if we’re giving the planet a big hug with every load of laundry!

The Environmental Benefits of Using a Sustainable Laundry Detergent

Reduced Toxicity to Aquatic life

Let’s talk about surfactants. Are they friends? Or foes?

Surfactants are substances used in a wide variety of traditional cleaning products for their ability to make the molecules more slippery. As a result, they are less likely to stick to each other and more likely to interact with oil and grease.

However, while surfactants are great for getting rid of dirt on our clothes, once they enter the waterways, they produce micelles that harm the environment and aquatic life. These micelles can have serious consequences on overall marine health and the ecosystem that aquatic creatures inhabit.

Sustainable laundry detergent is made from natural ingredients, and is friendly to both the ecosystems and waterways.

If protecting our oceans and the marine life that call them home is important to you (as it should be!) make the switch to a sustainable laundry detergent today. It’s a tiny, easy step that can make a huge difference in keeping our oceans healthy. Let’s dive into 2023 by going green with your laundry routine!

Biodegradability and Reduced Environmental Impact

Sustainable laundry detergents are essentially the superhero of cleaning products. They are made with biodegradable ingredients, which makes them a friend to the environment.

Not sure what we mean by “biodegradable ingredients?” To put it simply, biodegradable laundry detergents break down into natural, harmless substances over time through the use of microorganisms. This means they are less likely to stick around and cause harm in the ecosystem.

Reduced Carbon Footprint 

Sustainable laundry detergents are often produced using renewable energies, which means their production and transportation usually results in a lower carbon footprint 

Additionally, most of these sustainable laundry detergents come in eco-friendly packages that are easily recyclable, helping to avoid waste and pollution.

The Personal Benefits of Sustainable Laundry Detergents

There are toxins all around us. In the food we eat, in our beauty products and in our cleaning products…it’s impossible to escape them entirely. However, we can significantly lower our exposure to these toxins by making informed and conscious choices about the products we use. 

What if we told you that traditional laundry detergents contain tons of harmful, toxic chemicals…and not all of them are washed away in the washing machine? These toxins can stick around on your clothes and, when they come in contact with your skin, they can cause allergic reactions and alter your internal hormonal system. 

Sustainable laundry detergents are healthier and cause no harm to your body. They are made with natural, eco-friendly ingredients like essential oils, baking soda and other organic substances that will thoroughly clean your laundry without the negative impact on you.

Shop the Best Sustainable Laundry Detergent! 

If we’ve thoroughly convinced you to switch to a sustainable laundry detergent ASAP, look no further for your perfect match. At My Kitchen & Me, we recommend our eco-friendly, biodegradable Meliora Laundry Powder to clean your clothes the sustainable way. 

Meliora Laundry Powder is safe for both people and the environment! It’s made with non-toxic ingredients, organic essential oils (coconut, lavender, lemon and clove oil) and its eco-friendly packaging is 100% recyclable. The powder detergent is just as effective as traditional liquid detergents, but it’s plastic-free and includes no harmful preservatives. It’s also ultra-concentrated, which means it will last you a while and save you money in the long-run! 

Meliora uses non-toxic ingredients that are MADE SAFE® Certified, Leaping Bunny certified cruelty-free and vegan. 

As you can see, choosing sustainable laundry detergents really is a win-win. Not only will you be keeping the planet safe and yourself healthy, but you’re also on track to save some big money (as many of these detergents are ultra-concentrated).

By using eco-friendly detergents like Meliora Laundry Powder, you can help to reduce the negative impacts of traditional detergents on the environment and make a positive impact right off the bat in 2023. 

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